
Black pine (Kuro-matsu)

Including the Imperial Palace and Kyoto temples,
indispensable to the Japanese garden,it is the main tree.
It is called Kuro-matsu in Japanese.
Black pine is a hardy tree that grows along the coast of Japan,
it is referred to as a man pine from its majestic appearance. 
But usually they are trimmed in round shape such as the picture above.

Ancient feudal lords(Daimyo) often used black pine in their gardens.
Because of its dark green leaves even in winter, is considered a strong vitality tree,
or become a symbol of longevity.
Black pine is often used also in the home garden,
around the old house, sometimes to crawls the branches above the entrance.
It's called mon-kaburi  in Japanese.

Red pine (Aka-matsu)

Red pine (Aka-matsu) is another pine trees can be seen in the same way as Black pine (Kuro-matsu) in the Japanese garden.
It is native to mountains of Japan, referred to as a woman pine (Onna matsu),
because of its soft appearance compared to the Japanese black pine.
It is called Akamatsu which means red pine in the Japanese from the fact that in comparison with the Japanese black pine with a stem of  red brown.

Sprouts of Akamatsu are in red brown, a leaf is soft compared to the Japanese black pine.
You can discern easily,if you touch their leaves.

Japanese red pine is susceptible to change of environment and air pollution, in the garden of  the urban areas,but no longer used much,has been useful there is also unusual varieties,such as the image below.
Shidare akamatsu has weeping branches
Tagyou-syou has a lot of stems